Friday, January 17, 2020

Pitch Blog

Yesterday my group brainstormed three awesome pitches for our potential movie we are doing the title sequence for. We then needed to debate to narrow down 3 options into 2 options. We thought of all of the pros and cons of each idea. We wanted to consider logistics with scenery, props, and acting ability. In conclusion, we decided to eliminate pitch #3. We felt the romantic comedy would not work for a variety of reasons. We felt the scripts would be difficult to write to keep from being cheesy but, equally keep the audience entertained to continue watching. In addition, the genre is hard to build up suspense as an easy technique to keep audiences engaged. Overall, we felt the first two pitches are much better suited for our group dynamic. On to narrowing it down some more.

Pitch #1 was a concept entitled "Hit(Wo)man". It would be a girls' tag-team duo that wanted to diminish any disrespectful boy that interacts with them until one of them falls in love. The friend would then try to eliminate the boy on her own terms to save her friend. This production would be easy to leave the audiences "hanging" as it will be interesting, new, and exciting. We would also have enough actors/actresses to play all the parts and accomplish it reasonably. The cons of this idea include difficulty filming due to multiple locations and props. In addition, this plot could get very messy and confusing.

Pitch #2 was a concept entitled "Radioactive 235". It would be a post-nuclear disaster interview with a man that's been working towards freedom from government standards in a deep tragedy. This concept could be good to test different angles and shots to show and emphasize the dramatic effect.   In addition, it would be a simple film to shoot considering plain locations and props. However, special effects may be hard to articulate without it looking laughable due to lack of skill. In addition, we would also really have to shoot the title sequence a certain way to convince the viewers to be enticed by a tragic story without going into detail too soon.

With all of this in mind, our group decided to go with option #1. We felt it would be exciting to work on which will help with the motivation and quality of this project. In addition, we felt this project will have a better suspenseful output making it easier to attain the goal of enticing the audience.

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