Genre Research:A Fall From Grace
CAMSThe premise of this movie is to get a woman who was viewed as guilty of a crime, with overwhelming evidence against her , to be seen as innocent. So much that the woman who was accused of the crime ,at first, wanted to confess about the crime, and plea guilty for the deal of a lesser punishment. The camera angles, or rather the camera work in general, isn’t anything special, and the quality of the film could honestly be better. The film looks like, based on the quality, a YouTube video rather than a film. There are a few establishing shots, eye-line matches though, but overall, one can see the overwhelming low quality for a film at this caliber.
The Costumes were basic clothing , normal everyday people would wear; nothing that stood out, same goes for the characters in the film, except for one who seemed to be a little psychotic. The lighting was for the most part the same throughout the movie, even when there where darker parts, like when it became night time, overall no significant lighting effects, apart from this one scene where fireflies were edited in; which, goes hand in hand with the acting. In this particular scene the second main character, was supposed to act as if the fireflies were around them, and that they were grabbing one which did not look believable. The acting as a whole seemed forced, and unnatural in some scenes, where you could tell the actors were not good at presenting certain emotions. Also, there was a background character who made their pretend eating to noticeable. Furthermore, there was no makeup that seemed out of the ordinary. the only makeup that was seen was what normal women would wear to “enhance” their looks in the real world, and (in the movie) it was most likely used to make one of the characters look a certain way , as they went from a beautiful woman , to a prisoner. The props in the movie were mainly items one would expect to see in a certain area, or on a person, for example, the 2nd main character wearing handcuffs in jail, and her husband who was a photographer that would have a camera with them. The scenery, was almost ALWAYS, constricted, and felt as if there was no freedom to roam, like a play. For more than half of the movie, they were always in a small room , or building.
SOUND: The sound in this movie played a big role and eased the lack of essence in the characters/ actors. The non-diegetic sound, which was music, helped set the tone, or mood for certain scenes, and at some points saved certain scenes, like when Shanon/ Maurice acts angrily towards his wife Grace, though he does a good job of acting tender or friendly, which was amplified by the non-diegetic sound. The diegetic sound was incorporated into the non diegetic to TRY and make things suspenseful; which, this movie did not execute well for the first hour.
EDITING: The editing was honestly average to subpar, and looked low quality, along some frequent parts in the movie. The cuts, sound bridges , and things of the like were okay, Though when it came to special effects, like the firefly scene with Grace and Shanon/Maurice, it did not look like professional work, though it could be due to a low budget.
ELEMENTS OF GENRE: Elements of the thriller genre mainly focus on building suspense. The wonder of “what happens next” to a character keeps the audience hooked on the story. To effectively have thriller, the audience must have to know a possible end goal of what the protagonist is journeying up towards. The addition of time sensitivity helps push the pace and anticipation of the film. Finally, the story must progress in difficulty for the protagonist. Increase antagonistic forces must be presented for the audience to stay intrigued in the plot.
- The movie’s message resonated with a lot of women, and could be used as a sort of, source of empowerment.
- The acting felt unnatural at times
- Some effects were low quality
- The scenery changed frequently, though felt like being in a box.
- The plot was predictable.
- This movie takes way too long to get interesting.
- A fall from Grace, did not do a very good job of portraying a Thriller.
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