Thursday, November 21, 2019

Planning for The Music Video

Today, November 20th, 2019, my partner Katie and I were working on the vision for our commercial.  We started with the actual, visual for it.  We brainstormed on how exactly do we want to go about presenting the film.  We battled between if we were going to do an exact replica of the music video or if we wanted to do a spin-off.  We decided to do a spin-off.  To do this we began with finding the perfect place to reinvent and recapture the essence of a pop video, with our twist.

We wanted to keep the transition of time just as the original music video.  The twist would be its a friendship instead of a relationship between two females as adults reminiscing on their childhood.  The childhood scene would be filmed at a playground to capture the essence of purity and blissfulness. As for the chorus Katie and I felt the need to intertwine a dance choreography in so that we may differ from the rest.  The setting for this would be in a dance room that contains mirrors.  This is so that we play on the title of the song itself , “MIRRORS”. 

To prevent any incidents from happening, we thought of a safety plan to put in place.  We will be keeping track of the weather reports to find the perfect day to shoot the playground scene.  Katie will also be bringing along a first aid kit in case of emergencies.  Lastly, we will be taking the necessary precautions when dancing to insure we don’t injury the body.

As for props, starting with the childhood scene we will have book-bags as an indication we are coming home from school and meeting up at the park.  We will be using childhood everyday props: chalk, jump ropes, snacks, dolls, juice boxes etc. The dance props we have not quite decided how we would like to go about it.  Yet still, we do know that we are going to need and use a bunch of mirrors to add onto the vision we are trying to pursue.

As for finalizing a set schedule to stay on track for completion we’ve been matching up our personal lives.  On the 21st of this month (November), our storyboard is to be finalized.  By the 24th of this month we hope to begin filming as well as continue on the 27th.  We strive to begin the editing process by the 2nd of next month (December).  Listed above are dates we hope to meet but they may be tweaked here and there. This is all so that we finish by the 9th of December.

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