Thursday, November 14, 2019

Into The New Project- Music Video

Katie and I finished our Dunkin Donut commercial project on the 12th of November. Today, Katie and I are transitioning into our music video project.  We are hoping to accomplish a better film recording, from using our prior knowledge as well as what we learned while filming for our commercial.  Our storyboard was one of the main aspects that helped me when filming for our commercial.  This helped me to stay on track and how to go about recording the takes.  One of the most difficult hardships that we faced was, the loss of our ending footage.  This set us back because we ended up having to re-shoot the whole ending again.  As we go into this new series we must decide on a few things so that our project runs smoothly.  We have to decide: genre of the song, song, location, costumes, and the timing of the song.  We have to make sure we do not go pass or under the time limit of 1:05 - 1:15.
We want a song that we can put a twist on and make it ours to film with.  Yet still, be able to grasp the important content of a music video as well as dance along to it.  After going through our Apple Music, YouTube, Spotify, and Amazon Music, we chose the song Mirrors by Justin Timberlake.  Katie and I wanted to be different and do something that no one would actually think of which is the use of mirrors.  When you look into the mirror you see your reflection and thus the song speaks on someone being your personal mirror, reflecting who you are.  Now that we know which song we are leaning towards, we can start brainstorming how to kick off our film beginning with planning.  We now have to go into the research part, which means finding out the Misc en Scene of Pop songs.

  1. Typically in a pop song, the costumes are based off of the gender or the artist.  A male is normally put into one to two outfit choices and the colors vary depending on the mood of the song.  As for females, they are placed in three to four different costumes and are commonly flashy.  In the song Justin Timberlake is seen in black appeal as he sings and dances throughout the mirrors.  His choice of outfit is dramatically simple that it adds and not takes away from the song itself.
  2. The lighting is most of Justin's pop sounds are portrayed through the mood of the song.  This song for example had colors to show the mood of time transitioning.  You see bright colors when the couple was young.  There were lots of festive colors and it was very vibrant.  When the couple reaches adulthood and are now in their prime you see that the colors have faded into a more pastel look and its not so bright.  When the couple is now old you mostly see one color and its very faded.  It shows the fading of the of mood, emotion, and time.

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